Once the problems have been identified and a plan of action has been approved, the repair process will begin.
First, damaged materials are saw-cut and removed to isolate the area in which the asphalt repair will be conducted.
Then, the area of the repair is compacted and graded to ensure a proper base level and elevation.
In certain cases, additional limerock may be brought in to bring the surface of the repair area to the proper depth.
Once the repair area is properly prepped, a DOT approved tack coat is applied to the surface which ensures the asphalt smoothly adheres to the repair site and is flush with the surface.
Next, DOT approved hot mix asphalt is supplied and installed. After the asphalt is laid down, a 3-5 ton vibratory roller is run over the patch to compact it to the proper height.
Finally, a plate compactor or hand tamper is used to create a flush adhesion to the surrounding areas, providing a smooth and pristine appearance.
Once finished, the pavement will be ready for use almost immediately. The adhesion and compacting may take up to two weeks to fully solidify and some settling of the asphalt is normal.